By: Stingray CuratorsTue, 12/14/2021
Best Workout Music Channels

5 music channels for breaking a sweat with some of the hottest tracks.

By: Stingray CuratorsTue, 12/14/2021
Meilleures playlists pour méditer

Une sélection de chaînes musicales parfaites pour vous aider à atteindre le nirvana.

By: Stingray CuratorsTue, 12/14/2021
Best Music for Meditation

Here are some of the best music channels to meditate.

By: StingrayWed, 12/08/2021
Alexandre Buche – Les gens derrière la musique // Les gens de Stingray

Peux-tu commencer par me raconter comment tu es arrivé chez Stingray? 

By: StingrayWed, 12/08/2021
Alexandre Buche – People behind the music // People of Stingray

Could you begin by telling me about how you ended up at Stingray? 

By: Stingray CuratorsTue, 12/07/2021
Top 10 Canciones de Reggaeton | El mejor de 2021

Incluso si no eres un fanático acérrimo del reggaeton, seguramente bailarás con estas canciones. Nos hemos dado el tiempo de hacer una lista con las 10 MEJORES canciones del 2021 que vale la pena escuchar.

By: Stingray CuratorsTue, 12/07/2021
TOP 10 Best Reegaeton Songs | 2021

We’ve taken our time to list the 2021 TOP 10 Reggaeton songs that are worth listening to.

By: FrédériqueThu, 12/02/2021
Mikelis Rogers | Atelier Lyrique 2021 | Prix Étoiles Stingray

À la suite du vote du public, Stingray a remis le Prix Étoiles Stingray, assorti d’une bourse de 3 000$, au baryton ontarien Mikelis Rogers

By: FrédériqueWed, 12/01/2021
Balaklava Blues | Stingray Rising Stars | Mundial Montréal 2021

Stingray has been a proud partner of Mundial Montréal since its very first edition. We are thrilled to offer a Stingray Rising Stars Award to Balaklava Blues this year.

By: FrédériqueWed, 12/01/2021
Geoffrey Schellenberg | OSM 2021 | Prix Étoiles Stingray

C’est le Baryton Geoffrey Schellenberg qui a conquis le cœur du public!

By: Stingray CuratorsWed, 12/01/2021
Best Hip-Hop and Rap Songs | 2021

2021 has been one of the most impressive years musically. We have seen some of the heavy-hitters in the game drop bangers after bangers. There are plenty of hip-hop and rap songs from the legends to the freshmen class to celebrate this year. Check out the best hip-hop and rap songs of 2021! 

By: Stingray CuratorsWed, 12/01/2021
2021’s Top 10 Pop Songs

While plenty of artists have done their part in keeping the charts interesting in recent months, the most conspicuous thing is how the pop world has gravitated towards its most reliable pop stars over the past year. We are leaning more towards artists who are not in it for just one smash but as many as three or four in a row.
