Welcome to the Stingray Blog

By: NedjmaWed, 03/14/2018

Welcome to the Stingray Blog

Let’s begin by setting the scene. Our desks sink under the staggering weight of albums. Our evenings are filled with live shows. We support up-and-coming talents. The world’s best musicians perform exclusively for us (sometimes even in the office kitchen. it’s a really nice kitchen. Did we mention the beer tap?)

It’s a tough job but somebody’s got to do it!

So why are we launching The Stingray Blog?

Today, we want to pay back our karmic good fortune by sharing with you the music that gets us up in the morning and keeps us up at night. Whether it’s an obscure musical style you’ve never heard of (but we’re convinced will blow your mind), a look back at a festival we’ve yet to recover from, or the top tracks playing in our headphones right now ̶ you’ll read all about it on the Stingray Blog.

Call them what you want, sounds, beats, rhythms, flows, or vibes; they’re in endless supply and we’ll help you find your way through the clutter.

While we’ve been known to alphabetize our vinyl collection (don’t judge us); we turn our back on music snobbery. In our world, symphonies and concertos cohabit in perfect harmony with the indiest of indie, ear-shredding rock, and distorted psychedelic soundwaves. It might seem a little corny, but we truly believe in the power of music to build bridges. By opening our minds, we open ourselves up to a limitless world of diversity, connections, and possibilities.

If we’re tapping our foot or bopping our head to it, we’ll write about it. If it makes us cry and gives us goosebumps, we’ll write about it. If it makes our jaw drop and makes our heart grow two sizes, we’ll write about it.

We hope you’ll find in the Stingray Blog a window into a land of musical discoveries where the beautiful and unexpected soundtracks your life.